Wednesday, January 13, 2016

New Year: New Goals

I have decided to try to get back into the blogging world. I have seen so many good things out there and thought I should be sharing too! So New Year Resolution #1 Blog once a week about positive things!
I have been teaching 5 high school classes at my church's private day school for the past year and a half. I have learned so much about BEING A MOM through it all. I dread the morning routine to get out of the house on time, but it gives my life structure. Chaos is the opposite of structure, and believe you me I have experienced CHAOS. With all the negatives in life I must find the positives to keep me going. For the last 5 months I have packed healthy lunches for all three of my boys. Not one lunchable was bought.... ok only one for a field trip but that was necessary. LOL And then Last week for the first week back to school the boys begged for a lunchable. I gave in. BUT I don't have to . They like MY lunchables better. Sometimes it's the convenience that wins. Nevertheless I am a better mom for trying. 5 months...that's awesome if I do say so myself. I even bought those ziploc containers ( with separated compartments) and silicon muffin/cupcake liners. They help tremendously and the boys haven't thrown one away yet!!
So to the mom who is trying to do better by you kids whether it be switching to healthier lunch options over lunchables, I say " If I can do it, you can too!"  It takes a little planning but I feel better already about giving my kids a better lunch at school.