Friday, April 17, 2009

Hello World! See what I have learned!

So today marks the beginning of "Becky's blog". I have a lot going on in my brain and I just can't seem to get it all organized. I just spent about an hour trying to order trophies, ribbons, and medals for my piano recital in two weeks. I delayed a little in the order process. I just love recitals. My students have come such a long way from where they started. I am just so excited to award them for their hard work and good effort.

I recently went on a trip to Knoxville to visit with my sister. We had a good time, but I learned something very important from that trip. I will never travel alone with my son again. He is a very strong personality, and without my husband to help me, I just can't enjoy the trip as much as I would like. It's not that Brandon is so bad or anything. Sometimes teaching a child and growing him in the Lord takes more work than one parent can do on their own. For this I am grateful to be married to such a wonderful man who is also a terrific father. I know the Lord teaches me lessons through my experiences as a mother. This was definitely one that taught me to be grateful for the husband that I have.

I asked a mother of 3 boys how she plans her day to get things done around the house. She replied " Some days you just have to realize that there are some things that won't get done." This was very wise advice to me in my new experiences in motherhood. I try so hard to do all the things that are expected of a wife, but when a wife becomes a mother and is still working a full-time job, juggling all those responsibilities and expectations can become overwhelming. I asked my fellow-teacher lady friends at the school how they managed teaching when their children were young. The reply was the same from all of them -"I didn't work when my children were young." It wasn't that I had to work - I just enjoyed it, but let me tell you this - Not working full-time has been so rewarding for me as a mom and wife. I still teach piano and tutor on the side, but I love my flexible schedule and my one on one time with Brandon. I wouldn't change it for anything.

God knows why things work out the way they do. I just need to continue to trust Him, especially when I am unsure. I learn lessons everyday from others around me - please feel free to share your learning experiences with me.


Deanna said...

I am so grateful I can be a stay at home Mom, too. I wouldn't trade it for anything! I hope your Recital goes great. When I taught piano, Recital was always so much fun! It always made me want to go back and teach the next year. = )

The Nobles said...

Something that helped me so much is when Trish McCoy spoke in a ladies meeting down at Gulf Coast Baptist. She said, "Nobody has it all together." I don't know why I thought that I had to have everything perfect. When I realized that I didn't have to be perfect, it changed my whole outlook. I was so encouraged to know that she too knows that 3 loads of unfolded laundry will fit back into the dryer if unexpected company shows up :0)